Monday, February 7, 2011

Geocentrism Revisited

Those determined to seek life elsewhere in the universe are often guilty of three basic errors or fallacies. The first is the assumption that, because the universe is large and there is much in it, there must be life (life like us) elsewhere in this vast universe. Second, that these other life forms will be humanoid in appearance with similar technologies, needs, goals and intelligence. Last is the error of materialism. They are using material means to seek out material life forms.

But what if, as Rev. Dwight Longenecker wrote in a recent column, "earth is a miraculously beautiful home" built just for us - what if the earth was built jut or us and is a linchpin for all creation? After all, do the Scriptures not tell us, "the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth."? (Romans 8:22) And this because of the sin of one man, Adam? If the human race is not the reason for earth, Venus, Mars, Betelgeuse and all the rest of the glorious creation, WHY would Adam's sin, our sin, affect Pluto? or the beauty of the Horsehead Nebula?

And what if the universe is teeming with life but Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins and all their materialist colleagues can't, no won't, see because they are looking with a telescope and refuse to look beyond the telescope, can't allow themselves to look with the eyes of faith? Because our world is full with life of a different sort, filled with Angels and Demons (fallen angels).

These creatures exist in a realm not measurable by seismographs or scales nor can it be seen with the most powerful telescope. This parallel realm, the spiritual, surrounds us and enfolds us. Its creatures war for and against us. Those called Saints are ones who have explored this realm more fully than the rest of us. As with any explorer who brings back experience of "other worlds", whether those tales enlighten us about the cold winds at the summit of the Eiger or the tender and watchful care of Angels, we listen with rapt attention and learn of other realms from these intrepid explorers.

And First Contact? Oh, that happened a long, long time ago. In a garden called Eden.

1 comment:

Caedmon said...

Hey Kamilla, I found your blog!